API Keys

Before interacting with our API, you will need a API Key.

Your production API Key can be either requested from your account manager, or you can find it in your Merchant Portal under the Account Settings section.

To obtain a sandbox API Key to test your integration before going live, please contact:

Public API Keys

For displaying a promotional message on your webshop (on product or cart page for example), you may need a Public API Key so that we can recognise your webshop and return the correct offer for your customer to be displayed in your store.

The Public API Key is only required if your offer HeyLight Finanziamento or HeyLight Financing.

See section on Promotional Message integration for more details.


In order to interact with our REST API, please use the following associated URLs:

  • Sandbox: https://sbx-origination.heidipay.io
  • Production: https://origination.heidipay.com


Before making any requests via our APIs, you will need to generate an authentication token using your API Key. Note that an authentification token expires after 24 hours. The detailed documentation and code builder can be found here.

In order to make a request to generate a Merchant Token you need to provide your API key in the request body:

Example request body to fetch a token (API key included for illustrative purpose only, please ask for a valid one for testing the API):

url = "<https://sbx-origination.heidipay.io/auth/v1/generate/"> payload = {"merchant_key": "e66ac64603979dbb8dddf29224b456785c0fa52b"} headers = {"accept": "application/json","content-type": "application/json"}

Example of response:

{"status": "success","data": {"token": "f5f3dc0a23077b77b5eb4c02811d0626941e06e0"}}

If you want to get started, try out the code sample below to get a merchant token.

curl --location --request POST 'https://sbx-origination.heidipay.io/auth/generate/' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"merchant_key": "YOUR_MERCHANT_KEY_HERE"}'


Need a hand?

Our development team are ready and waiting to support your integration. For any questions please contact: