We have a script available to you than enable to display the offer on your product or cart page of your webshop.


  • For HeyLight Switzerland (BNPL 0%) and HeyLight Italia Dilazione, you do not need an Public API key as the script runs without it
  • For HeyLight Financing (Switzerland) you will need a Public API Key
  • For HeyLight Finanziamento (Italia) you will need a Public API Key and also a pricing structure code ("codice tabella", e.g. PC6)).

To obtain a sandbox Public API Key for testing purpose please contact:

Script to insert in your page

In order to for us to return the widget with the right number or instalment and "price per month", you need to insert our script in your page.

It is important that the code for your promotional message follows the guidance for your account.

  • For all payment methods, you need to ensure you setup the code with a number of instalment that is allowed in your contract (e.g. 3,6,12,24) and that the offer is not displayed if the product price or basket amount is greater than the maximum limit allowed by your contract.
  • For HeyLight, you also need to setup a minimum order amount (60€ for HeyLight Dilazione and 100€ for HeyLight Finanziamento) and a minimum instalment amount (20€).
    • For example, if you are enabling pay in 3,6,12 and your product price is 70€, the widget needs to display "Pay in 3x" and not Pay in 6x or 12x.

Check the following pages to look for the codes for HeyLight Dilazione (Italia), HeyLight Finanziamento (Italia), HeyLight BNPL (0%) (Switzerland) and HeyLight Financing (Switzerland).